Breast Augmentation in Hawaii
Full, well-shaped breasts can be among a woman's most alluring physical attributes. To enhance their look and their self-confidence, many women choose breast augmentation. Hawaii plastic surgeon Dr. Todd Mirzai perform breast augmentation procedures that result in larger, shapelier breasts that look beautifully feminine.
To learn more about breast augmentation, you can schedule an appointment online or contact us by phone or email.
Reasons for Considering Breast Augmentation
Many women in Hawaii considering breast enlargement have always felt unhappy with the size of their breasts. Others consider the procedure because they have lost volume in their breasts due to pregnancy or aging. Many women want to fill out their clothing or look better in a bathing suit. Breast augmentation can also correct an imbalance in breast size if one breast is smaller than the other and can be used as a method of breast reconstruction after breast cancer.
Breast augmentation is often considered by women having other procedures such as a breast lift , abdominoplasty, or liposuction. A breast augmentation can further enhance your new look when these procedures are combined.
General Procedure
There are several decisions that need to be made prior to your breast augmentation procedure in Hawaii: breast implant type (silicone or saline), size of the implant, and position of the implant. These are important decisions that will affect the outcome of your surgery, so it's important to choose a surgeon who will take the time to understand your goals for surgery and has the experience to guide you in making your choices.
Dr. Mirzai has placed a strong emphasis on building patient relationships and have the experience to make your breast augmentation procedure a success.
At our practice, breast augmentation is usually performed using Total IV Anesthesia (TIVA) with the aid of experienced anesthesia professionals. The use of TIVA results in several benefits for our patients: reduced post-operative pain, reduced risk of blood clots in the legs, lower incidence of post-operative nausea and vomiting, and avoidance of "hangover" effects.
Incisions can be placed in one of several different locations: under the breast, in the armpit, or around the nipple. Through these incisions, your surgeon will place the implant either under or over the pectoral muscle.
Recovery Process
Our practice will make every effort to ensure that recovery is as comfortable as possible after your breast enlargement. Our Maui surgery center even offers private bungalows for patients flying in from other islands. The first 24 to 48 hours after surgery should be spent in quiet inactivity so that your body can recover. After this initial period is over, you may still need to limit your activity for several more days as directed by Dr. Mirzai or Dr. Phan. There will be some swelling and tenderness for a few weeks after surgery.
When swelling is gone, you will see larger, well-balanced breasts. Dr. Mirzai makes natural-looking results a priority, so you will look naturally voluptuous, never fake or exaggerated.